Igniting a New Era of Expansion for Scientology in the United Kingdom
Just steps from the historic Saint Hill Manor and United Kingdom’s Advanced Scientology Organization, crowds gathered to inaugurate a brand-new, built-from-the-ground-up facility dedicated exclusively for religious counseling and training of the Church’s ecclesiastical ministry in the UK.
The Grand Opening season truly commenced Friday evening, November 3, in the final chapter of the 39th International Association of Scientologists (IAS) Event. “It’s time to start cutting some ribbons,” declared Mr. David Miscavige, ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion. At which point, Mr. Miscavige proceeded to preview upcoming Ideal Church facilities scheduled for Grand Opening in the coming months.
So it was, just two days later, on Sunday, November 5, 2023, thunderous cheers next echoed across the Saint Hill grounds as the first of those ribbons fell, commemorating the opening of the United Kingdom’s staff enhancement facility. The brand-new 20,000-square-foot structure is designed to provide Scientology training and counseling to Saint Hill’s growing ecclesiastical ministry.
“This building’s importance cannot be overstated,” said Mr. Miscavige when previewing the new facility. “Especially when you consider: Saint Hill is where OTs are made for the UK continent. Moreover, it is from Continental Management, at Saint Hill, that UK expansion is generated. And since the ‘power’ that makes it all possible is the staff of Saint Hill, well, what more need be said?”
The new center contains a Staff College comprising six course rooms to accommodate training of more than 150 at any given time. The building’s lower ground floor is reserved for the Hubbard Guidance Center, where staff members receive spiritual counseling up to the Advanced Levels of the Scientology Bridge to Total Freedom—the very path Mr. Hubbard conceived at Saint Hill that guides an individual through a standard progression toward higher states of awareness and ability.
The facility stands within the High Weald, an officially designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Not only is the High Weald among England and Wales’ largest protected natural environments, but it is one of the finest surviving medieval landscapes in northern Europe—its ancient heathland, forests and sandstone hills remain unchanged since the 14th century. The Church worked with a local architect to model and style the building after typical structures found in the neighboring English countryside. The new building is both energy-efficient and eco-friendly, constructed with sustainable materials to minimize environmental impact.
Overall, this dedication marks but the latest expansion in the creation of an Ideal Sea Org Base for the United Kingdom in what has been an unrelenting era of expansion, including:
Altogether, and under Mr. David Miscavige’s dynamic leadership, the Church of Scientology has marked a period of unparalleled growth. Some 10 Ideal facilities are ready for Grand Opening in the months ahead across North America, Africa and Europe.
For a complete list of Ideal Churches of Scientology, visit Scientology.org/IdealChurches.