Scientologists Bring Truth About Drugs to Youth of Azcapotzalco

Mexico Scientologists take every opportunity to reach youth with the truth about drugs.

In Mexico City’s northwestern borough of Azcapotzalco, volunteers from the National Scientology Organization of Mexico attended a Mexico City Ministry of Health fair in September to bring factual information about drugs and drug addiction to youth in the area. They displayed The Truth About Drugs posters and banners and distributed hundreds of copies of The Truth About Drugs booklets.

According to the Christian Science Monitor, although drug use in Mexico is still well below the levels in the United States it is on the rise and there has been an alarming increase in drug use among adolescents in the last decade.

The Truth About Drugs program is based on the principle that the best time to learn about drugs is before it becomes a problem. Thus, volunteers reach out to youth with drug education lectures in schools and distribution of The Truth About Drugs booklets at fairs and gatherings throughout the year.

The Truth About Drugs booklets are designed to capture and hold the attention of young people with illustrations, descriptions of the short- and long-term effects of drugs—how they affect the body and mind—and personal stories from young people who have fallen into the trap of drug abuse.

Dedicated to eradicating drug abuse through education, the Church of Scientology supports The Truth About Drugs initiative, one of the world’s largest nongovernmental drug education and prevention campaigns and makes these materials available free of charge to educators, law enforcement and community programs.

It has been conclusively proven that when young people are provided with the truth about drugs—factual information on what drugs are and what they do—usage rates drop commensurately.

The Church of Scientology has published a brochure, Scientology: How We Help—The Truth About Drugs, Creating a Drug-Free World, to meet requests for more information about the drug education and prevention initiative it supports. To learn more or read the brochure, visit the Scientology website.

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote, “The planet has hit a barrier which prevents any widespread social progress—drugs and other biochemical substances. These can put people into a condition which not only prohibits and destroys physical health but which can prevent any stable advancement in mental or spiritual well-being.”