New Scientology Publication Defines and Clarifies Scope of Religious Freedom Rights for All
A monograph published by the Church of Scientology International clarifies religious freedom and its ramifications in today’s troubled world.
The Church of Scientology International announces publication of What is Freedom of Religion? The detailed study was written to assist and educate government officials, media and people of all faiths on the scope and internationally recognized standards for this essential right.

“Religious freedom is only fully realized if people understand the depth and scope of their rights.”
“In an age when religious freedom issues play out in global headlines, it is important to understand that the right applies to all and knows no borders,” said William C. Walsh, international human rights counsel for the Church of Scientology International and author of the publication.
“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states everyone has the right to freedom of religion. Religious freedom is not bestowed to a privileged few by the State but is something that all possess as a birthright. Every society benefits from the full and unhindered practice of religion or belief; religious freedom is only fully realized if people understand the depth and scope of their rights.”
The booklet facilitates a full understanding of the freedom of religion or belief by reference to international human rights law and the underlying universal human rights principles it safeguards. By drawing from international covenants and guidelines, religious freedom is brought into focus along with the precise activities it encompasses, including:
- Freedom to manifest a religion or belief
- Rights of religious minorities
- Rights of parents and children
- Freedom from coercion
- Freedom from discrimination
- Rights of employers, employees and volunteers
- Formation, registration or recognition of legal religious entities.
To assist in aligning freedom of the press in this vital arena, the publication also proposes the Charter on Journalistic Ethics in Relation to Respect for Religion or Belief. The Charter furnishes simple guidelines to raise the bar on media coverage of religious issues while educating members of the press on the principles of religious freedom and their responsibility for upholding them.
Throughout its existence, the Church of Scientology has engaged in activities to promote and protect religious freedom for people of all faiths worldwide. In continuing those efforts, the Church of Scientology International has released this publication and made it available online as part of its new website: A Comprehensive Overview of the Background, Theology and Religious Practice of the Scientology Religion at
The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.
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