Meet Renáta Szommer, a Scientology Minister from Hungary

A newly ordained Scientology minister from Hungary explains how Scientology helped her improve her own life and the lives of others.

Renáta Szommer is a Scientology Minister from Hungary. She believes in the value of religion in improving many areas of a person’s life.

Rev. RenáRev. Renáta Szommer found that becoming a minister helped her understand more about Scientology and other religions and increased her ability to help.ta Szommer  (Photo courtesy of the Church of Scientology of Hungary)
Rev. Renáta Szommer found that becoming a minister helped her understand more about Scientology and other religions and increased her ability to help.

There are many demands in life, says Szommer: one’s work or career, relationships, marriage, parenthood. 

“It's not always easy to get all these aspects of life aligned and going well,” she says. “And unfortunately, a problem in one area can badly affect the rest.”

Szommer explains how she was able to improve her own life with the help of Scientology.

“I became a Scientologist more than 20 years ago,” she says. “I was working abroad as a student, and the people I worked for were not the friendliest. In fact, hardly anyone who worked with them before me lasted more than a year.”

Despite the challenges of the job, it was a good one with a nice salary and she wanted to succeed.

Fortunately, just before she began this job, she had taken some introductory Scientology courses. That made all the difference. She noticed that when she applied what she learned from these courses, it worked.

“That's when I decided that I wanted to know more. I wanted to know exactly what Scientology was,” she says. 

Although she knew she had only learned a small part of Scientology, it was enough to help her through the rough spots and enable her to succeed when so many other people had failed.

“Later, I applied what I learned in raising my son. He is successful in his studies, he is purposeful in his life,” she says.

Szommer is very proud of her son and that while has a great circle of friends who really enjoy being together and having fun, they don’t get involved in harmful substances.

Before becoming a minister, Szommer was an entrepreneur. She would help people with their businesses, but there was so much more she wanted to be able to share with them.

She decided to sell her business and dedicate herself to helping people.

She realized that applying Scientology spiritual counseling—called auditing, from the Latin word audire meaning “to listen”—helped those around her do better and put them much more in control of their lives.

As she carried on with her Scientology training, she noticed the difference in her ability to help others.

“People would come to me, ask for advice, and I was able to help them turn their marriages in a positive direction and reconcile with their partners. They became able to take their businesses, human relations and child-rearing in the right direction, and this made me very happy,” she says.

But training as a Scientology minister also broadened her understanding of other beliefs and practices.

“I wanted to learn about other religions and I wanted to find the similarities and differences between them and Scientology,” she says. “I saw how we share the same goals, and how important it is that we all keep moving in the right direction.”

Szommer grew up in a Catholic family. 

“I would go to church, and I could see that those who really practice the religion are much more loving and helpful,” she says. “The teachings that religion gives people, help them live together more easily.”

During her ministers’ training, by learning about other religions and philosophies, Renata gained an even greater understanding of Scientology and how much it has in common with other faiths.

“If we look at the history of humanity, religion has emphasized love of one’s fellow man and mutual friendliness and understanding,” she says. 

She points out there are so many wonderful ministers of all faiths. They have ministries dedicated to helping those in need, helping children. Many schools are run by ministers. Instead of harshness and hostility, religion helps lead people in the direction of love and help.

“My plans are to continue providing spiritual counseling and helping people,” says Szommer. “I can help those around me, and anyone who turns to me, achieve a happier, better life.

“Society turns to religion—whatever religion it may be. Religion helps us all win and live in a better world.” 

The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 11,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 countries.

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